Portion control is your magic mantra for setting off on a healthy lifestyle. It’s eating right, not eating less. Now, in the following guide, we reveal 8 vital guidelines on mastering portion control that will make your way to a balanced diet enjoyable and sustainable.
Table of Contents
Understand of Portion Control

Portion control is an art, whereby a person knows the quantity of food adequate to the needs of his or her body. This is where one is meant to know the difference between a cup of pasta versus a plate full of pasta. This will be a first step to understanding a difference in portion and serving size: learning to identify a portion from a serving size.
After all, a serving is a specific amount of food—as described by who makes up the guidelines—while a portion is the amount one decides to eat.
Use Visual Cues for Estimating Portions

Forget that travelling with a scale—don’t bring it with you anywhere. Visual cues will save you from indulging until there’s no turning back. A serving of meat should be no more than a deck of cards. For ice cream, a portion any larger than a tennis ball is all you.
These simple visual comparisons are surprisingly effective in helping you gauge portion sizes without any tools.
Incorporate Mindful Eating Practices

Mindful eating is just an enjoyment of food with full interest and involvement of your senses and understanding how hungry or full you are. It means eating at a slow pace, savoring your food without distractions, learning to stop when you are comfortably full—not when your plate is empty.
Try to be fully present at your next meal and notice how this practice affects your portion control.
Know the Difference Between Hunger and Satisfaction

“In today’s world, in the midst of all the diversions and stretch, the body’s capacity to flag when and how much to eat is regularly eclipsed, it can effectively be misplaced or misinterpret.”
“”Am I still hungry, or is this fair something I eat out of propensity?” It’s fair a straightforward address to inquire yourself some time recently taking another parcel. That is one way of really learning how to respect and understand the messages from your body.
Plan your dinner and snacks in advance

Meal planning isn’t only for the ultra-organized. Planning food assists you in arranging to eat balanced food portions all through the day instead of thinking about it while hungry, which mostly leads to overeating. It helps in managing and controlling both your portions and diet in general.
The Role of Water in Portion Control

Water serves the role of an unsung hero in control portions. In that respect, drinking a glass of water before meals is likely going to prevent you from being so hungry; hence, you eat less, something that is absolutely great for keeping away from overeating. Proper hydration during the day will make it possible to judge whether the sensation of hunger was due to the fact of being actually thirsty instead of hungry.
Adjust Portions When Eating Out

Portion control isn’t completely out the window with restaurant eating. Get half your meal boxed before it even makes it to the table by asking your server for a to-go box, order an appetizer portion as your main course, or split an entrée with a friend.
Being proactive in restaurants empowers you to enjoy dining out without compromising your goals.
Embrace a Flexible Approach to Portion Control

Portion control is not something that involves being extremely limited; it’s all about balancing. Eat whatever your favorite treat is at some point, but in the right portion. The key for healthy and sustainable balanced eating is enjoying occasional treats at the same time as eating healthily and being aware of portion sizes.
Use those 8 rules of portion control to positively influence your health and well-being. Most likely, understanding and following these rules will derive such important points as what kind of diet exactly you need for your lifestyle and goals.
So, start small, and be patient with yourself. Remember, each meal is a new opportunity to exercise portion control. So, do let us know, share with us your journey, or what tips you practice in the comment section below to make portion control a part of your balanced diet!
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